I’ve connected a Notion account to Dust. This account has access to all channels, yet many channels don’t appear in the “Manage Dust connection with Notion” section. I’m not sure why this is happening, as the pages that do show up and those that don’t have the same permissions—they’re accessible by all collaborators, including the linked account.
I need to clarify: I am able to grant access to all the pages in access management, but when selecting sources, some pages do not appear.
Thanks for surfacing your issue with Notion pages not showing up in Dust. Let’s try a quick troubleshooting step:
Can you look into a Notion page or Teamspace that’s not appearing in Dust? Once there, check if you see an eye icon with the word “Restricted” next to it (like in this image: 🔌 Notion connection).
This visual means the data is restricted, and Dust can’t access it. If so, you will need to find a way to ensure all your Notion workspace can access the page.
Hope this helps!