Get events for a message - closed connection


I’m facing an issue while using the API, and I might not fully understand how it works :sweat_smile:.

Here’s what I’m doing:

  • I create a conversation and retrieve the cId and mId from the response.
  • Then, I call the endpoint to get events for a message using the relevant parameters.

However, when testing the API in Postman, I immediately get a “connection closed” message. Strangely, it works perfectly when I test it through the API documentation (Dust).

I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong :confused:, and I’ve already spent several hours on this.

It seems that the “create conversation” API is not a stream (I set blocking to false). The response header is "application/json", and I only receive a JSON object.

I’m using the sId from this JSON to call the “get events for a message” API.

Thanks for your help!