[Dust] Product update # 3

:arrows_counterclockwise: Updated GPT-4 Model to GPT4o
GPT4o is OpenAI’s newest model - GPT4o and it’s now available on Dust to power the @gpt4 global agent as well as all data source agents. Please note that your existing GPT-4 Turbo assistants have not been automatically migrated to GPT4-o.

:art: Assistant Templates Gallery
Dust’s Template Gallery is now live! When creating a new assistant, you can choose to start from scratch or to use an existing template. Templates provide pre-filled instructions and guidance to help you build new assistants.

:robot_face: Suggested Instructions when Building Assistants
As part of the assistant creation experience, we now automatically suggest effective prompts.

:outbox_tray: Multi-File Uploads in the Input Bar
You can now upload multiple files simultaneously via the chat bar.

:zipper_mouth_face: Developer secrets
Store secure secrets like API keys, tokens, and passwords that you can use in Dust Apps when using the cURL block.

:books: Add Dust Assistants to Your Slack Workflow
Dust now supports richer interactions with Slack workflows. Automate recurring tasks by creating Slack workflows that interact with Dust assistants. Follow the guide.

:electric_plug: More Flexibility for Intercom Connection
Admins can now exclude Intercom notes and choose to sync all conversations, giving you more control over synced Intercom data.

:globe_with_meridians: Dust Website Refresh
We’ve revamped our website to communicate Dust’s capabilities better. Check out the new product pages, function-based solutions, updated pricing, and more.

:gear: [BETA] Create An Assistant to Process Large Amounts of Data
You can now process large amounts of data from a specific time frame to extract structured data. This enables new use cases that previously required complex custom Dust apps. Read more here.

:memo: [BETA] Google Meet Transcripts Summarization
Automate the summarization of your Google Meet transcripts and have them sent to you via email. This feature currently supports English transcripts only.

:wave: The Process Data action and Google Meet Transcripts are currently in beta and available to all users. We’d love for you to give it a spin and share your feedback as we prepare to open it up more broadly. Write us and explain your use case at team@dust.tt if you want to beta test one of these features.

:heavy_plus_sign: And much more…

We hope these updates enhance your Dust experience and help you achieve more with LLMs and your custom assistants.